Grand Rapids Downtown Market

Getting the striping wrapped up for the Grand Opening of the Grand Rapids Downtown Market.

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imageurl=”” alt=”Asphalt Paving Striping”]
Getting the striping wrapped up for the Grand Opening of the Grand Rapids Downtown Market.
[pl_carouselimage title=”Striping the Grand Rapids Downtown Market” imageurl=”” alt=”Down Town Grand Rapids Market”]
Getting the striping wrapped up for the Grand Opening of the Grand Rapids Downtown Market.

Parking Lot Striping at Fifth Third Ball Park (feature)

Parking Lot Striping at Fifth Third Ball Park

A great example of a large parking lot re-striped with our ride along striping equipment.

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[pl_carouselimage first=”yes” title=”Parking Lot Striping at Fifth Third Ball Park”
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We use ride behind equipment that allows very fast and very straight lines.

[pl_carouselimage title=”Parking Lot Striping at Fifth Third Ball Park”
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When re-striping a lot, there is no need to measure. Simply follow the old worn out lines.

[pl_carouselimage title=”Parking Lot Striping at Fifth Third Ball Park”
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For any lines that are worn to being unnoticeable, then extra chalk is laid down to ensure no mistakes are made.

[pl_carouselimage title=”Parking Lot Striping at Fifth Third Ball Park – Completed Job”
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A completed job like this takes 1/2 the time with our equipment which in turn means savings in your pocket!
