Milling of asphalt can greatly reduce maintenance costs in your asphalt rehabilitation.
Milling of deteriorated asphalt is recommended when your asphalt is thicker than 4.00″ inches or if you have cracks in excess 2.00″ inches in width. This process will save time and money over the high cost of removal of the thick asphalt or repairing very large cracks with a hot pour rubber.
We also provide milling of asphalt at cement and drain castings prior to resurfacing to ensure appropriate depth (at these areas). This will eliminate future problems caused by an insufficient depth of asphalt. If you do not mill these areas, flaking will occur over time because of the new material being to thin.

Milling of entire parking areas is recommended when time is of the essence. A 100,000 square foot parking area can be milled and removed from site in one (1) day, graded and compacted the 2nd day, base mix applied the 3rd day and final top layer applied with parking stalls installed on 4th day while keeping the normal flow of traffic moving to the business. This makes it a very cost effective process for the property owners faced with having to remove deteriorated asphalt lots.
Small parking lots can be turned around in as little as 2 days.
Also keep in mind that we offer flexibility to meet your business needs.
Where removal of a lot is necessary, but may impact the business, we move as much of the work as possible to off hours. Milling is often times performed overnight to help reduce the impact on your business.