Grand Rapids Downtown Market

Getting the striping wrapped up for the Grand Opening of the Grand Rapids Downtown Market.

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[pl_carouselimage first=”yes” title=”Striping the Grand Rapids Downtown Market”
imageurl=”” alt=”Asphalt Paving Striping”]
Getting the striping wrapped up for the Grand Opening of the Grand Rapids Downtown Market.
[pl_carouselimage title=”Striping the Grand Rapids Downtown Market” imageurl=”” alt=”Down Town Grand Rapids Market”]
Getting the striping wrapped up for the Grand Opening of the Grand Rapids Downtown Market.

Video Demo of Asphalt Paving

Asphalt Paving Video

A quick video showing part of the paving process of a parking lot. This is the Kenowa Plaza parking lot on the south west side of Grand Rapids, MI.

[pl_video type=”youtube” id=”mkn0jgzFMDo”]

Asphalt heated and raked prior to rolling

Thermal Bond Repair – Asphalt to Concrete Pad

After the city had a cement pad installed, the asphalt road base had a sizable bump where the two met. We were contracted to raise the asphalt. The best way to deal with this is using a thermal heater to re-heat the material, add in enough new material to raise and roll.

If you were to simply add a couple of inches of new asphalt on top of the already existing, worn asphalt. That type of fix wouldn’t last a single winter season.

By using Thermal Repair, you are able to re-roll these types of repairs and the road is left looking brand new and last longer.

[pl_raw][pl_carousel name=”ThermalRepair_2005″]
[pl_carouselimage first=”yes” title=”Setting up for asphalt Thermal Bond Repair”
imageurl=”” alt=”Asphalt Thermal Bond Repair”]
The Thermal Bond Repair unit is put into place.
[pl_carouselimage title=”Asphalt Heated Up” imageurl=”” alt=”Asphalt being heated up”]
The asphalt is now heated up.
[pl_carouselimage title=”Rake and add new asphalt” imageurl=”” alt=”Asphalt raked and new asphalt added”]After the first portion of the repair is heated up, we roll the thermal heater to the next spot. Then rake up the current material and add new hot mix asphalt.
[pl_carouselimage title=”Ready to roll” imageurl=”” alt=”Asphalt now ready to roll”]
This image shows the first spot fully raked with new asphalt added, it is ready to be rolled.
[pl_carouselimage title=”Roll and rake” imageurl=”” alt=”Asphalt being rolled and raked”]
The first spot is now being rolled while the 2nd spot is being prepped.
[pl_carouselimage title=”Finished repair” imageurl=”” alt=”Finished repair of asphalt”]
This image shows the finished Thermal Bond Asphalt Repair. This leaves no seams and in the case of this project, there is no longer a bump felt by drivers when going from asphalt to concrete.


Kenowa Plaza Paving

[pl_raw][pl_carousel name=”KenowaPlaza”]
[pl_carouselimage first=”yes” title=”Photo after milling has been completed.”
imageurl=”” ]
After the asphalt milling, the parking lot is bare bones gravel once again.

[pl_carouselimage title=”After the top coat is completed.” imageurl=””]
A base coat is put down first, then a top coat after that. This parking lot is ready for striping now.
